savage username for your instagram

Having a distinct and memorable Instagram handle that reflects your personality and brand is important in today’s social media landscape. It makes for a great first impression, and first impressions last.

But every month, Instagram receives billions of visitors. Finding a username that sticks out amid the sea of other users on the site can be difficult.

Well, you’re in luck since I’ve created the most comprehensive list of 125 savage Instagram usernames to assist you in making a statement on the platform.

Choosing Savage Usernames for Instagram

Regardless of whether you’re a blogger, influencer, or just a regular user, the first thing people will notice when they visit your profile is your username. That’s why it’s essential to choose a handle that’s both catchy and unique.

That said, here are the things to remember when picking your Instagram handle, these are:

1. Uniqueness

A distinctive name is going to make you more memorable. You can’t just copy a great name, change a few numbers, and expect it to stick.

2. Creativity

Incorporate cleverness into your name. People will surely notice you if your name has a pun or a reference to pop culture.

Creative puns on your handle might make people laugh and give the impression that you are a great comic. They might even follow you as a result. Additionally, they might incorporate your pun as a punchline to jokes. That’s free exposure to you.

References to pop culture would also attract like-minded followers, which would make for a better experience on the platform.

3. Personality

Align your name to the brand or personal style you’re representing. For example, if you are a fashion model, use words that would describe the way you do modeling, like fierce, pretty, or badass.

4. Length

Don’t max out the name limit of Instagram. A shorter name is easier to remember than longer names, but don’t sacrifice the other three for brevity.

Now that you know the factors to consider when choosing your username, it’s time to pick one.

125 Savage Usernames for Instagram

I listed below a total of 125 handles that you can choose from. There are categories for men and women. But if you don’t want to focus on sexual orientations, there are also categories for gamers, movie buffs, and foodies.

Additionally, there are no rules in making Instagram names, so you can modify them to your liking or use them as is.

25 Fire Instagram Usernames for Guys

If you’re a man who needs a username, you don’t need to look further. Whether you want a name that’s macho or soft, there’s one here for you. Here are 25 fire Instagram usernames for guys:

  1. Baeconandeggz
  2. Buckshot
  3. Carzycrossfunction
  4. Celestial_radar
  5. CuddleBear
  6. D_Devils
  7. Fitking
  8. Funky_Monkey
  9. Fruitybae
  10. GargoyleMan
  11. Gettobringthis
  12. GreekGod
  13. Im_not_a_good_boy
  14. Juliusseizure
  15. Maneatspants
  16. Militantexec
  17. Nothisispatrick
  18. Original_Prince
  19. Overkill
  20. RomeoPie
  21. Sugarbae
  22. Swagports
  23. Tender_Armor
  24. Schmoople
  25. Warped_spokesman

25 Savage Instagram Usernames for Girls

savage instagram usernames for girls

To the savage and badass ladies out there who want to display their unique qualities, here’s a compilation of 25 savage names that’ll help you make a bold statement.

Whether you’re a fierce fashionista, fitness enthusiast, or softhearted girl, you’ll find a username that’ll perfectly represent your style and identity on this list.

  1. Admanwoman
  2. AngelCherub
  3. AngelSweetiePie
  4. ArianaGrandesPonytail
  5. Baby_Redstar
  6. Badgirl
  7. BeautyGuard
  8. BleachedBabe
  9. Captain_Ponytail
  10. CuteAsDucks
  11. CuteSky
  12. DazzledSweetie
  13. Dazzling_Doll
  14. DollyDangerous
  15. GoodHairDontCare
  16. HeartsForSale
  17. KittyBloom
  18. LovelyDevil
  19. LustForLife
  20. Manic_Pixie_Meme_Girl
  21. ProEyeRoller
  22. QueenOfDiamondEyes
  23. RedWidow
  24. Sillyprincess
  25. Snacklips

25 Exciting Instagram Usernames for Gamers

Whether you’re a PC, console, or mobile gamer who needs a username to showcase your passion for gaming, you’ll find one here that’ll suit your personality. So, get ready to step up your Instagram game with these handles!

  1. Ass_ass_ins_Creed
  2. BehindYou
  3. Bod of War
  4. BronzeGamer
  5. Call_of_Booty
  6. Clumsy_Ranger
  7. Crash_Override
  8. Dong_key_Kong
  9. Dark Swoles
  10. Elder Trolls
  11. Game Duck
  12. Game Impala
  13. Gerald of Rivia
  14. I_Need_2_Pee
  15. Intelligent_Zombie
  16. I game I saw I conquered
  17. IwasReloading
  18. Red Bread Redemption
  19. Teabaggins
  20. Thepigman
  21. TheOutsider
  22. Notre Game de Paris
  23. We Gameas Romans
  24. Wii Too Good
  25. The Wolf Amogus

25 Creative Instagram Usernames for Cinephiles

Are you a movie buff? Why don’t you let everyone know with these 25 handles that are inspired by movies and pop culture? The usernames are clever and witty, and they feature some of the most iconic shows of all time!

  1. A Christmas Rickroll
  2. A Sausage to India
  3. Bonnie And Clyde
  4. Booty and the Beast
  5. Desolation of Swag
  6. Dildo Swaggins
  7. Dong of Ice and Fire
  8. Fast and the curious
  9. Fedora the Explorer
  10. From Ducks Till Dawn
  11. Furry Road
  12. Goose in the Shell
  13. Iron man snap
  14. Lost Glass Slipper
  15. Billy the Butcher
  16. A Wrinkle In Time
  17. Magicschoolbusdropout
  18. Moby Duck
  19. Of Mice And Meme
  20. On Your Left
  21. Khaleesisfourthdragon
  22. Pinky And The Brain
  23. Sleeping Booty
  24. The Goose Dimension
  25. Troy Story

25 Savage Instagram Usernames for Foodies

Foodies, rejoice! In this section, I’ve curated 25 of the most unique and creative usernames that celebrate the delicious foods we love. From catchy puns and quirky food references, these handles will highlight your love for food and help you connect with other foodies on the platform.

  1. Awesome_Chocolate
  2. CandyCough
  3. Candy Norwood
  4. Champagne_for_me
  5. Cherry_heel
  6. Chickenriceandbeans
  7. Crack Champagne
  8. Lemonhead
  9. Bean Never Seen
  10. FamilyFood
  11. Farmhousegranola
  12. Happiness_Honeycake
  13. Hodgkins Granola
  14. HoneyLemon
  15. Icedrinkin
  16. Keenpotato
  17. KingpinCandy
  18. MaxAngelBerry
  19. No Quarter Chicken
  20. Orectic
  21. Peap0Ds
  22. Political champagne
  23. Sargentsaltnpepa
  24. Shaquille oatmeal
  25. Granola Holmes

In Conclusion

Having a unique and savage username for Instagram is crucial in making a lasting impression on your audience. With billions of users that flock to the platform, it can be quite challenging to stand out. But you can do it with enough creativity.

Use the names listed here as they are or alter them as you please. Just remember to include the four key factors mentioned above when making or choosing a name that represents you.

With the right handle, you can set your Instagram profile on fire and make your mark on the platform!